Is WordPress still relevant 2023?

Is WordPress still relevant 2023?


As of my knowledge update , WordPress remained a highly popular and relevant platform for building websites and blogs. However, the relevance of any technology can change over time, and it’s essential to consider several factors when evaluating its in 2023:

  1. Market Share: WordPress had a significant market share in the website and content management system (CMS) space. Its widespread use and a vast ecosystem of themes, plugins, and developers made it a go-to choice for many.
  2. Community and Development: WordPress has a large and active community of users and developers who continually work on improving and maintaining the platform. This community support is a significant factor in its relevance.
  3. Gutenberg: In 2018, WordPress introduced the Gutenberg editor, a block-based editing system that modernized the way content is created and edited. This development aimed to keep WordPress competitive in the evolving web landscape.
  4. Adaptation to New Technologies: WordPress has a history of adapting to new web technologies and standards. It has made efforts to remain relevant with mobile responsiveness, SEO, and security features.
  5. Competition: New website builders and CMS platforms have emerged in recent years, offering alternative solutions. Some of them provide more streamlined and user-friendly experiences for those who are not web development experts.
  6. E-commerce and Advanced Needs: WordPress can be extended with plugins like Woo Commerce for e-commerce. However, for businesses with complex e-commerce needs, other platforms like Shopify or Magneto may be more suitable.
  7. Security and Performance: WordPress’s security and performance depend on how well it is configured and maintained. Some criticize it for being more vulnerable to security issues if not properly managed.
  8. Customization: WordPress’s flexibility for customization is one of its strengths. Still, for those who require highly unique designs and functionality, more advanced development skills may be necessary.

To determine WordPress’s current relevance in 2023, you should consider your specific needs and goals for your website. WordPress may still be a suitable choice for many projects, but it’s essential to assess the latest developments, the competition, and any changes or updates that have occurred in the intervening years.

How to change favicon color for dark mode in WordPress?

How to change favicon color for dark mode in WordPress?


To change the fav-icon color for dark mode in WordPress, you can follow these general steps. Keep in mind that these steps may vary slightly depending on your WordPress theme and the tools available in your WordPress installation.

      1-Identify Dark Mode Styles:

    • Some WordPress themes come with built-in support for dark mode, and they may have specific CSS styles for dark mode. Check your theme documentation or inspect the dark mode styles using browser developer tools.2-Inspect Fav-icon Code:
      • Use your browser’s developer tools to inspect the HTML code related to your favicon. Typically, you’ll find it in the <head> section of your HTML.
        3-Add Custom CSS:

        • Once you’ve identified the dark mode styles and located the favicon code, you can add custom CSS to change the favicon color specifically for dark mode. You can do this using the built-in Customizer or a custom CSS plugin.
        • In the WordPress Customizer:
          • Navigate to “Appearance” > “Customize” in your WordPress dashboard.
          • Look for a “Additional CSS” or similar option.
          • Add CSS code to target the favicon in dark mode. For example:

            @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
            /* Your dark mode favicon styles here */
            #your-favicon-id {
            filter: brightness(50%); /* Adjust the brightness as needed */

            • Replace #your-favicon-id with the actual ID or class of your favicon.
        • Using a Custom CSS Plugin:
          • Install and activate a custom CSS plugin like “Simple Custom CSS” or “Customizer CSS.”
          • Go to the plugin settings or a dedicated section in your dashboard.
          • Add the CSS code similar to the example above.

            4-Save Changes:

            • After adding the custom CSS, save the changes, and preview your site in dark mode. Adjust the CSS as needed to achieve the desired fav-icon color in dark mode.

Remember that the exact steps and options may vary depending on your WordPress theme and any customization tools or plugins you have installed. Always test changes on a staging site or make a backup before applying them to a live site.For more help you can contact us or hire our developer for solution. For hire our developer Whats App us +91-9772733337 , Skypeajaymaanju71,

Code Snippets WordPress Plugin uses ?

Code Snippets WordPress Plugin uses ?


The “Code Snippets” WordPress plugin allows you to add custom code snippets to your WordPress site without having to edit the theme’s functions.php file directly. The plugin provides an interface for managing code snippets and offers various features to help you organize and execute the code.

Some of the common code snippets that can be added to WordPress using this plugin include:

  1. Custom Functions: You can use this plugin to add custom PHP functions to your WordPress site, which can be useful for modifying the default behavior of WordPress or adding new functionality.
  2. CSS and JavaScript: You can add custom CSS or JavaScript code to your WordPress site using this plugin, which can be used to style your site or add interactivity to your pages.
  3. Shortcodes: This plugin allows you to create custom shortcodes that can be used to add complex functionality to your site with just a few lines of code.
  4. Plugin and Theme Modifications: You can use this plugin to modify the behavior of other plugins or themes by adding custom code snippets that interact with their functions.
  5. Database Modifications: You can use this plugin to modify the WordPress database by adding custom SQL queries, which can be used to update or delete data from your site’s database.

Overall, the “Code Snippets” plugin is a powerful tool for adding custom code to your WordPress site without having to modify your theme’s files directly.

Code Snippets WordPress Plugin Pro Version

The “Code Snippets” WordPress plugin has a Pro version that offers additional features and functionality beyond the free version. Some of the features available in the Pro version include:

  1. Import and Export: You can easily import and export code snippets to and from your WordPress site using the Pro version, making it easy to move snippets between sites or backup your snippets.
  2. Syntax Highlighting: The Pro version includes syntax highlighting for code snippets, making it easier to read and edit your code.
  3. Code Execution: You can execute code snippets directly from the plugin’s interface in the Pro version, making it easy to test and debug your code.
  4. Multisite Support: The Pro version includes support for WordPress Multi site, allowing you to manage code snippets across multiple sites from a single interface.
  5. Scheduled Snippets: You can schedule code snippets to run at specific times using the Pro version, making it easy to automate tasks or perform maintenance on your site.
  6. Custom Categories: The Pro version allows you to create custom categories for your code snippets, making it easier to organize and manage your code.
  7. Code Templates: The Pro version includes pre-built code templates for common tasks, making it easy to add functionality to your site without having to write code from scratch.

Overall, the Pro version of the “Code Snippets” plugin offers a range of powerful features that can help you manage and execute custom code on your WordPress site more efficiently.

Best WordPress Plugin 2023

Best Security Plugins For WordPress Websites 2023

Best Security Plugins For WordPress Websites 2023


Best security plugins for WordPress based on their reputation and popularity as of my knowledge are –

  1. Wordfence Security – Wordfence is one of the most popular security plugins for WordPress, with over 4 million active installations. It offers features such as firewall protection, malware scanning, login security, and real-time traffic monitoring.
  2. Sucuri Security – Sucuri is another popular security plugin with over 600,000 active installations. It provides features such as malware scanning, blacklist monitoring, file integrity monitoring, and post-hack security actions.
  3. iThemes Security – iThemes Security (formerly known as Better WP Security) has over 1 million active installations. It provides features such as malware scanning, brute force protection, two-factor authentication, and file change detection.
  4. All In One WP Security & Firewall – All In One WP Security & Firewall has over 800,000 active installations. It offers features such as login protection, file system security, database security, and firewall protection.
  5. Jetpack Security – Jetpack Security is a security plugin offered by the makers of It provides features such as brute force protection, malware scanning, and spam filtering.

Below are pro version of few plugins with yearly prices

  1. Sucuri Security Pro – Sucuri is a popular security plugin, and their Pro version offers additional features such as website backup, CDN, and DDoS protection. It starts at $199.99 per year.
  2. MalCare – MalCare is a security plugin that uses artificial intelligence to detect and remove malware from your website. It offers features such as firewall protection, brute force protection, and website management tools. Pricing starts at $99 per year.
  3. Jetpack Security – Jetpack offers a security plugin that includes real-time backups, spam protection, and automated malware scanning. Pricing starts at $7.95 per month.
  4. Wordfence Premium – Wordfence is a popular security plugin, and their Premium version offers additional features such as country blocking and two-factor authentication. Pricing starts at $99 per year.
  5. iThemes Security Pro – iThemes Security offers a Pro version that includes features such as two-factor authentication, Google reCAPTCHA, and malware scanning. Pricing starts at $80 per year.

It’s important to note that while these plugins can enhance the security of your WordPress site, they shouldn’t be relied on as the sole means of protection. It’s important to also keep your WordPress installation, themes, and plugins updated and to use strong passwords and security practices.

Best WordPress Themes 2023

Why you need a WordPress expert for your website development

Why you need a WordPress expert for your website development


A WordPress expert can provide several benefits for your website development project:

  1. Customization: A WordPress expert has the knowledge and skills to customize your website to meet your specific needs and requirements.
  2. Problem Solving: They can diagnose and solve technical issues with your website, improving its performance and functionality.
  3. Speed and efficiency: An expert can optimize your website to load quickly, improving the user experience and search engine ranking.
  4. Security: A WordPress expert can ensure that your website is secure from hacking and malware attacks.
  5. SEO Optimization: They can optimize your website for search engines, increasing its visibility and attracting more traffic.
  6. Future proofing: They can advise on and implement the latest technologies and best practices to ensure your website stays relevant and up-to-date.

Hiring a WordPress expert can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run by ensuring that your website is professional, functional, and secure

Advantages of hiring a WordPress developer

Advantages of hiring a WordPress developer


Advantages of hiring a WordPress developer:

Less time learning the ins and outs of WordPress.
The developer will be able to add custom functionality to your site, which is useful for specific features and options.
The developer will know the most out of the platform, that is maximizing the site’s performance and security.
You can reach out for help with technical tasks, updates, bug fixing, and more.

Disadvantages of hiring a WordPress developer:

Hiring a developer can be an expensive proposition.
I’ll be more reliant on the developer in order to manage and maintain your site. If you make a poor hiring decision, you can end up with an inferior result.
You may not really need a developer, particularly if your vision for the site is simple.
It takes time to get your site built and off the ground.
All of the above factors are important, but these two matters the most i.e.,budget and complexity. If you don’t have many resources, and don’t require any custom functionality, try doing it yourself.
Hiring a developer can be a smart move but also risky. You want to end up with the right person, and need not to pay more.

Step 1: Consider your needs

You will need to have a clear idea before hiring a wordpress developer and specification is a must. It is important to consider the goals, the type of pages and the specific features and functionality.

Step 2: Be aware of the cost involved

Building a custom website can be a costly venture. Your payings will largely depend on the scope of the project , the complexity of the requirements and the level of experience.

Step 3: Know what to look for in a potential hire

You need to look after the candidates and how to assess them . There are certain factors to look after. The first thing is the cost it is charging, the portfolios of previous work, the references, the reviews and the tools they use.
Step 4: Start searching for candidates

The final step is to start looking for potential candidates. Look around multiple sites, compile a list of possibilities, and compare them against each other.
Fortunately, it isn’t hard to hire a WordPress developer. There are a lot of knowledgeable and reliable people who can help. To ensure you find the right person for the job, you’ll want to:

Consider your needs.
Be aware of the costs involved.
Know what to look for in a potential hire.
Start searching for candidates.

Hire WordPress Developer