February 16, 2023 Ajay Maanju
essential plugins for WordPress

Its based on the common needs of WordPress developers, here are 10 essential plugins for WordPress website development:

  1. Yoast SEO – A plugin for optimizing your website for search engines.
  2. Jet pack – A plugin that provides security, backups, and site performance optimization.
  3. WP Forms – A plugin that allows you to create custom forms for your website.
  4. Monster Insights – A plugin that integrates your WordPress site with Google Analytics for detailed insights.
  5. WP Super Cache – A plugin that speeds up your site by caching pages and posts.
  6. Elementor – A plugin that allows you to create custom pages and layouts with a drag-and-drop interface.
  7. Smush – A plugin that optimizes images for web to improve website loading speed.
  8. Contact Form 7 – A plugin that allows you to create and manage multiple contact forms.
  9. W3 Total Cache – A plugin that improves website performance by caching pages and posts.
  10. Woo Commerce – A plugin that turns your website into an eCommerce platform, allowing you to sell products and services online.